voice of anxiety
20” x 16”
mixed media on canvas
I am the voice of your anxiety, the voice of your fear.
I am imprisoning, disempowering, strong in your beliefs.
I get to you through your biggest nightmares, the nightmare
of loss, of abandonment, of losing your loved ones.
I make you suffer so that you get stuck and paralyzed.
I can make you die of fear. I need ultimate control.
I need you to be my slave and the when I see that you are moving towards freedom, I send my strongest army to bring you back under my control.
I invade your body with fear and anxiety so that you retreat to my enslavement and fear freedom. Aha, I got you back,
you are once again my Slave, living in a prison of unconscious life.
I am fear
I am terror
I am loss
I am abandonment
I am opposite of love.
I am opposite of true life
I am Hell
I am fear